Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Girl who is on the B list of the most popular elites on stardoll. I wouldn't really put her there. I'd rather put her somewhere at O list, haha.

I have proofs that Marie isn't from LA like she says. I know her more than one year now. It was saying that she was from England before. But who would belive me then?!So, I have proofs now.

MissDiorFashion is Marie's best friend/cousin in real life. Take a look at that.

You must wondering what she has to do with it. Seriously nothing, but her best friend's list really does. Take a look at her best friends list.

There you'll see some of MissDior's REAL life friends. Then they're Marie's friends, aswell. BUT, They're NOT from LA like Marie is, or like she says she is.

Ok, so let's check out pages of theirs RL best friends.

She's from Great Britan not from LA, how souprising!

One more, IRELAND? Oh God. I would say Marie is from Great Britan or Ireland not from LA.

Yes, Marie is one big fat lier. Did she lied to you too?

Comment what do you think about this story! Also, mail me if you have any gossips.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



I wont tell you wich is my real stardoll account. I'm using True_Stardoll during writing in this blog. You can call Jane. Jane isn't my real name so you can call me Jane or whatever you like. I don't mind if I get called Bitch either.

I made this blog to tell you the truth about some stardoll members. Most of you will think that my posts are nothing more than bunch of silly lies, but seriously I don't care. If you have any gossips wich you want to share with everyone contact me on my stardoll account wich I mentioned at frist part of the post. Also, follow this blog if you want to.
